Abraham Lincoln is surrounded by myth as well as facts. But what we do know is that he was guided by his mother, Nancy, and following her death when he was nine, his stepmother, Sarah, as evidenced by this phrase recorded by Lincoln's law partner William Herndon. There is some controversy as to whether he was referring to his mother or stepmother but it matters little; the sentiment is clear. The engraved heart shown here is composed of interlocking ribbons that create a heartfelt Mother's Day or birthday gift.
Inscribed: "My sister my friend through THICK and THIN", through good times and and bad, an expression at least as old as Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales [c. 1380]. Its meaning...
Inscription: "There are no goodbyes" by Mahatma Gandhi. The complete quote from a letter to his close friend, the Christian missionary Charles Andrews, is "There are no goodbyes for us....
Inscribed: "This above all: to thine own self be true" - Shakespeare Hamlet I iii 85 Hamlet has been performed more often than any drama, and is widely accepted as...